While their programming had evolved significantly over the years, PBS needed something more to connect with a new generation of media professionals who still viewed the brand as a bit stodgy.
Where other content providers talked about numbers and eyeballs, PBS had a unique opportunity to tell the story of a highly-engaged, thoughtful – and therefore more valuable – audience. And to do so in a very un-stodgy manner.
Get them while they’re thinking gave PBS a far more contemporary, relevant and powerful platform to leverage across all of their sponsorship efforts and has successfully attracted a new generation of media buyers as program sponsors.

Saucony wanted to move beyond its roots as a traditional running brand in order to connect with a rapidly growing segment who viewed running as a means to an end, rather than an end to itself.
“I run, but I’m not a runner” was the shared sentiment that research revealed across this audience. So instead of the usual array of perfect runners, hard bodies and celebrity athletes, we featured non-traditional runners and their stories of running for non-traditional reasons.
A series of videos featuring amazing individuals who did not fit the typical description of a “runner” resulted in 44 million impressions.